
Getting employees on board with new software

Adopting a new software solution can bring significant boosts in
productivity and efficiency to your business, especially when you are
looking to stay relevant in a competitive market. Whether it is reducing
overheads, introducing new services, or providing better customer
service, you want the best tools available.

One of the main hurdles in making sure new technology is adopted right
across the board, is reluctance on the part of some staff to embrace the
changes wholeheartedly. If people are settled into their working
practices, sometimes for many years, then they might very well be

The right tools for the job

The first step to assuage anxieties about new technology is making the
right choice in the first place. Software that brings fantastic
productivity gains in theory, but in practice is not widely used by
employees, is a wasted investment. Get a feel for what staff at different
levels of your organisation are comfortable working with, and how much
they could realistically improve with the right instruction and

Easing nerves

One typical reaction to new technology, particularly with less
tech-savvy workers, is nervousness. Is the software going to be too
complicated? Are they going to “break something” or disrupt work by not
exactly knowing what to do? They might feel like they are being asked to
do two jobs: the one you have hired them for already, and the additional
work of checking and updating a software system.

Realise that one standard set of user guides and training programs are
not going to be right for everybody you employ. Evaluate what is
appropriate for an individual employee based on their position in your
organisation and level of IT expertise.

What are you trying to achieve?

It is one thing to describe the features of a new software platform, but
more important are the goals you are looking to accomplish with that
functionality. Be enthusiastic about the benefits for your business as a
whole, and for individual users. Emphasise higher productivity and the
potential elimination of bottlenecks and delays. What problems and
headaches crop up again and again? How does the new technology reduce or
get rid of them all together?

If you are looking to provide new products and services, how is that
change being facilitated? How is productivity going to increase on an
individual level? Let staff feel that there is something in it for them,
and not just change dictated from above without any consideration for
what they contribute.

Establish a routine going forward

Make it clear to everybody that transition to the new way of working is
not optional, and have a clear plan and framework for change across the
entire organisation. Set work goals for staff that involve them using
the system. Set a definite end date for the transition, as well as
milestones along the way.

Give managers targets for the staff they supervise, encouraging
constructive feedback. If the pace of adoption is too slow, find out why
and look at ways of solving the problem with their involvement.

How SwiftCase helps

SwiftCase is a powerful business process management platform that
features a clear, intuitive interface accessible on mobile devices as
well as desktop and laptop machines. Configure workflows to your fit
with your company’s best practice and to meet industry standards.

Since SwiftCase is cloud-based, it can be rolled out quickly, with no
additional hardware or installation required. Assign staff a user
profile with the appropriate permissions, granting access to the only
features and information they need, no more and no less.

If you’re interested in a free, no-obligation demonstration, get in touch today.

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