One method of achieving business growth is expanding your geographic
reach. If your immediate market is saturated and new clients are thin on
the ground, looking further afield might be the only option.
Traditionally, this has meant opening new premises and the overheads
that go along with that or trying to manage staff from afar, which
brings its own set of difficulties.
Expanding your area of coverage hopefully results in more work, and that
means assigning a higher volume of tasks to employees. The
administration overheads involved in getting staff with the relevant
skills to the right place at the right time can be off-putting. But
automating this process can cut out cost, time and effort.
Automatically allocating staff to work is a far more efficient method
than trawling through spreadsheets and making phone calls for each
individual job. Based on predetermined criteria such as area coverage,
working hours and skill set, you can assign the workers you need without
worrying about chasing anybody up.
Automated text messages are sent to request a staff member’s
availability. If the job is turned down, the next qualified person is
chosen. This process can be overridden with manual assignments if
necessary. The speed and cost-effectiveness of this method can
significantly increase a company’s viable range of operations, sometimes
by hundreds of miles.
Supervising and communicating with colleagues at a distance can result
in misunderstandings and delays. Keeping everybody on the same page in
one office is hard enough, but scattered over a wide area, this can be a
real headache.
Using one centralised system, you can ensure that no information is
duplicated and that any notes or documents needed by staff are securely
stored online. Automated system messages, as well as texts and emails,
ensure that staff are reminded of urgent work, along with a record kept
of all communication in a searchable log.
Managing a business when you are not physically present yourself can
seem daunting. If something isn’t working out in another location, it
might be too late before you find out. If you’re making an effort to
expand into new territories, you don’t want to risk losing money or the
goodwill of customers.
By having an overview of all business events in a clear user interface
that highlights the most urgent business tasks takes the stress out of
long-distance management. Knowing which employees are where, and what
they are working towards at a glance reduces the need for in-person
supervision or constant checking-up on staff.
SwiftCase is a powerful cloud-based business process management platform
that combines automated allocation, centralised collaboration and a
responsive user interface, allowing fast expansion into new territories
without the usual high costs.
Get in touch with us today, for a free, no-obligation demonstration.