
The Statistics Builder

Table of Contents

Statistics Builder Overview

The Statistics Builder is am extremely powerful aspect of SwiftCase. You can configure user/workflow specific reports, that can be scheduled and emailed. The reports can be created with both graphical presentation and .csv file downloads, with dynamic content displayed on a unique web page view.

Create Stat Report Page

Navigatee to the Stat Reports page from the sidebar, and click Create Stat Report. You will be presented with the page below:

Each panel will be discussed in detail below.

Report Information Panel

Configure the Report Name, status, search/frequency intervals, workflows included in the report, users that you want the report to be about, and the time you would like the email to be sent.

Report Visibility Panel

Select the users to share this report with

Adding users to this option will allow access to the stat reports when they log into SwiftCase.

Select the users to email

Users can be emailed a .csv copy of the stats. Choosing the users in this option will send them the email.

Report Stats Panel

Please select the stats you would like to appear in this report

Each of the options in the side-panel represent database queries that can be run to aggregate data from your system. They may be pre-configured or custom configurations depending on your package.

Drag and Drop

Once you have dropped your chosen Stats, you can configure the size of the graphical panels and their positioning by opening the specific Stat panel and clicking the resize arrows as below.

Would you like the stats to be generated as CSV files?

Choosing this option will create .csv files as downloadable links for users to download as a spreadsheet. Choose this option if you are not interested in seeing graphical representation of the data, or if you want to process the information in an external application. Leaving it off will provide the graphical presentation as configured above.

Create Report

Click the Create Report button to be redirected to the Reports listings. The report will be produced at the specified time, and then subsequently scheduled for whatever time interval you have configured.

View Report

Once created, you can view your report by clicking on the cog on the right hand side and choosing View Last Report.

You can also edit, view previous reports, duplicate and disable the report.

Stats Report View

The Report View, if not configured to provide csv’s, will look similar to the page below:

If you see any blank charts, it will be because you are required to interact with another chart to reveal the data. In the example below, the Task Statuses chart will show only the statuses of the Type of Task you have clicked on in the first chart, and the third chart (Users) will only reveal when the relevant status has been clicked.

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