
How to add an On Hold box

The On Hold box allows you to put a Task on hold with one click. You can also add a reason why the Task is going on hold in the box provided.

Adding an On Hold box

  1. Click on the Forms & Actions tab to configure the status page. This will display a blank box with an Available Actions bar on the right-hand side.
  2. Drag and drop the On Hold action from the Available Actions into the blank box.

  • In the content box, add any text you want to appear before the On Hold box.
  • In the Visible to box you can add users who you want to be able to view the On Hold box. Internal Users can see the content by default.
  • Under Visibility Rules you can hide the On Hold box until question(s) from forms are answered by clicking the Add Question button and adding a question.


You can add more than one question and also add a specific answer, so the box will only show after this specified answer is inputted.

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