
Automated Events

Automated Events Overview

Automated Events are actions that can be carried out automatically by the system.  If you are familiar with the Task Widgets you will see that the Automated Events effectively remove the need for human interaction and so greatly improve client and staff satisfaction.

General Configuration

Nearly all Automated Events will have some configuration that is default no matter the type.

Business Hours

Check this box if you only want to have the event fire between 8am – 9pm.

Time/Time Type

Choose a specific number of minutes or hours after the status has changed/task has been created or even a particular Datetime question answer. You can also specify a particular time on the day that the event occurs in.

Date/Datetime question

This is where you choose the specific Date/Datetime question you would like the event to take into consideration before firing. If this question does not have an answer when it enters the particular status, then it will not fire and you will get an error in the Task Log.

Only Fire After Status

Choose a status that the task must have moved from to fire the event. This is to ensure that the chain of events occurs under the right conditions. For example, you may only want to generate an invoice when a task is completed if it has come from the ‘Invoice Paid’ status.

Is One Time?

This ensures that an event does not fire repeatedly if there is a chance that a Task may change status a number of times.

Change Product Status

A simple but useful event: you may want to change a Task to completed after a certain amount of time if no action is taken.

Amber/Red Alert

This Event will add a flag to the task that will move it to the top of the listings and highlight the Task in the respective colour.

Send Email

Email Template

You can create rich Email Templates that can pull through task information to send to stakeholders automatically.

Send to

Choose the Case Relationship here to decide which user receives the email. You can also configure a question answer to receive the email if the recipient will not be added as a user to the system.

Auto Attach Documents?

This option can be incredibly useful. If a generated document is enabled for auto-sending it will be automatically attached to emails. Choose this option if you want these documents to be attached in this email. You can configure the documents auto-send options on the event (see below) or on the Task Widget.

Generate Document

Enable Auto Sending?

As outlined above, when sending an automated email, checking this option will make the document available for attachment. This will apply to all emails at the moment, but the option to disable auto-sending can be toggled in the Document Manager.

Auto Allocation

Currently the option here is to allocate the user who created the task, but the ability to allocate based on specific criteria and skills is only available on request.

Send SMS

SMS Template

Just like with emails, you can create SMS templates that utilise Task Information Tags to pull data through from a Task.

Send From

You can also configure different Senders in SwiftCase: this will be the name that appears instead of the phone number on the recipients phone.

Send To

You can send to a Case Relationship, a Question, or even a specific mobile phone number.

Change Workflow

This widget allows you to automatically change the type of task you are currently working on. If a task originally assigned as a Support Task becomes a New Lead, you can have that automated with this widget.

Create User

User Type

See User Types for an explanation of this option.

Task relationship

See Case Relationships for an explanation of this option.

User First Name/Last Name/Email/Phone Number/Address/Cleint Organisation name

This is where you choose the matching questions that you have added to the workflow. If the mandatory fields are not answered then there may be an issue creating the user.

Create Reminder

The configuration here replicates that of the Reminder form.

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