
Getting started with the Workflow Builder

We’ve recently introduced the capability for you to create your own workflows using our latest feature: the workflow builder.

Accessing The Workflow Builder

To access the workflow builder, you first need to have the correct permissions granted (these are set by your account’s internal admin) then navigate using the left-hand menu to Admin – Workflows – Tasks:

Accessing The Workflow Builder

From here you can view and revise any pre-existing task workflows or create your own using the “+ Create Workflow” button which will take you to the Task Configuration page.

Task Configuration

The first stage of creating a task workflow is Task Configuration which is split into 4 sections:

  • Task Settings
  • Question Groups
  • Customise Listings
  • Advanced

In this guide we’ll be focusing on the first 2 of these 4 sections, task settings and question groups.

Task Settings

Task Settings allows you to enter basic information associated with the task such as name, description, price, cost, allocated time required and time to keep provisional.

Task Settings

Question Groups

Within this section you’re able to enter the questions you’d like to ask at various stages of the workflow and cluster these together, forming question groups for specific statuses.

If this is the first time that you’re using the workflow builder, the left-hand column will be blank as you’re yet to create any questions. If you have used the builder before, previously created questions will be displayed here, ready to be dragged and dropped.

To create your own questions click the “+Create New Question” button, then enter the question into the name field and specify the type of response you’d like to receive (text, date etc.).

Question Groups

Once you’ve added all your questions, click “+Add Question Group”. You should give your Question Group a name and if you’d like these questions to appear when initially creating the task, check the “Show on Creation Page?” checkbox.

Then drag and drop the questions you’d like to include from the left-hand column into the group questions box:

Drag and drop questions

If you’d like to ask different sets of questions at different statuses, you’ll need to create multiple question groups.


Once you’re happy with your question groups, it’s time to start creating your various statuses. To add your first status click the “+ Add Status” button beneath Task Configuration.

Like Task Configuration, statuses are split into 4 sections:

  • Status Settings
  • Forms & Actions
  • Automated Events
  • Moving Rules

Status Settings

Within Status Settings you enter the status name then have the option to “Include Information Box?” checkbox. If this is checked you can customise the information provided by selecting the box type and icon and giving the box a title and content. If this status is for the completion of a task you should check the “Completed Status?” checkbox.

Forms & Actions

The next section is Forms & Actions, here you can specify what you’d like to occur during this status of the task.

Drag the fields which you’d like to appear from the the left-hand column and, if you’ve included multiple actions, you can arrange the order which you’d like them to appear by dragging them into the correct sequence.

To include a form consisting of the questions you entered earlier select the “form” action. The content field should be used to add any explanatory text, then in group you can select from the drop-down the question group that you’d like to ask. The “visible to” field allows you to specify who can complete the form.


When creating a button you should use the content field to specify introductory text and the button text field to enter the copy you’d like to be displayed on the button itself. The button key is an identifier used to determine whether the button has been click or not, this should be a shortened version of the button text with all characters being lowercase, no special characters included other than underscores (_) and no spaces. There are 3 button types which can be used:

  • Default:
    Task Default
  • Success:
    Task Successful
  • Danger:
    Task Successful

Like with forms, for buttons you can select who this is visible to, this is the same for all available actions.


Automated Events

From within this section you can select a number of automatic events that are triggered by the task entering this status. The automatic events available are:

  • Change Product Status
  • Amber Alert
  • Red Alert
  • Auto-allocate
  • Send Email

Moving Rules

Moving rules determine which status the task moves to next. There are several different moving rule group types which can be used:

  • Questions Answered
  • Button Clicked
  • Expert Allocated
  • Supplier Updated

1 way which you could use the moving rules would be if you had two buttons within forms & actions which indicated whether a task was successful or unsuccessful and if it should proceed to the next status or revert back to a previous status.

In this example, you’d use the “Button Clicked” moving rule group. This requires you to first select the status this action would trigger the task to move to from the drop down. To link this to the correct button being pressed, type the button key that exactly matches the key entered in Forms & Actions.

Button Clicked

Once you’ve entered all the statuses, remember that a final status is required which should be set as “Status Completed?” this indicated that a task is complete.

Save and Publish

Once you’ve completed your task flow, you should click save in the top right-hand corner of the page. You’ll then be presented with 3 checkboxes:

  • Add to Default Tasks?
  • Visible to All Users
  • Add to All Clients?

Once you’ve check all the necessary boxed, you can either keep your workflow as a draft or publish it.

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