Case Relationships Overview
The Case Relationship is the way a User relates to a Case or a Task. Some Users can have more than one Case Relationship. Please see User Types for an explanation of these.
Case/Task Owner
Case Owners are usually the User Type of Internal Users (but can occasionally can be Experts) . In general they are the person responsible for overseeing the management of the Task, and will be responsible for assigning other users etc. You can override the Owner via the Quick Actions or on the Task Listings.
Just like in User Types, a Client is generally the parent user of Client Staff/Client Contacts, although this can depend on your system configuration. When assigning a Client to a Task, you must also assign a Client Staff/Client Contact from within the Client roster. Changing the Client can be performed via the Quick Actions
Client Staff/Client Contact
You can assign any Client Staff/Client Contact to a task that belongs to the parent Client. You also can change this user at any time via the Quick Actions
The Expert assigned to a Task is usually a user of an Expert UserType, but just like Task Owner this isn’t always necessarily true. Internal Users can also be assigned to the Case Relationship of Expert.